When it comes to relocating for a new job, many aspects can seem highly positive across the board—new position, new home, new location.
However, many first time movers will quickly find out that the effort of getting to that new location can often prove to be a lot more difficult than they might have initially expected. So what can you do to ensure that a relocation for your career avoids too many tumultuous factors that can quickly bog down your overall experience? Below, we’ve put together a list of steps that you can expect to take in order to enjoy an easier, more consistent transition toward your new home. Follow along with the steps listed below, and before you know it, you’ll be able to focus exclusively on the factors that are truly important, such as getting started on making a good impression at your new job, getting to know your new neighborhood, and more.
Getting Started:
Inquire about relocation assistance through your employer: While relocation assistance in the event of corporate relocation isn’t always an outright guarantee, you will still want to look into the possibility of such in the event that you plan on moving to a different location within the same company. Don’t underestimate the importance of simply asking, as many employers have relocation options that aren’t always immediately laid out on the table (and can help you to save a great deal of time and money in the long run when applicable). Either way, kicking things off with a job related move means that you’ll need to answer this and a range of other important personal questions, that can have to do with everything from your total moving budget to your personal deadlines for steps along the way.
Research your destination as much as possible: Reading up on your new neck of the woods as much as possible (or even visiting before moving, if applicable) can make for a highly effective way to plan on the important aspects of your transition before having it all come crashing down at once. If you’re on the family oriented side of things, researching the quality of schools and neighborhoods throughout the area is generally a good place to start. Likewise, speaking to current residents, friends, or coworkers already living in the region can make for a very smart way to gain a preemptive understanding of things, regardless of who you are.
Moving Things Along:
Reserve any temporary living arrangements: Moving to a new city for business rather than pleasure generally means that hitting the ground running can prove more of a challenge than usual. In the event that things don’t go as smoothly as you hope, this can often mean finding yourself with a need to take up temporary residence in anything from an extended stay hotel, to a rental home or apartment with a short term lease. On the bright side, this can also allow you a bit more time to research (and explore) all the neighborhoods around your new city so that you can make an educated decision on where you’d like to live in the long term.
Assess your (long term) budget: Beyond just the need for a sensible moving budget that covers all the bases, you should begin putting some amount of serious thought into how you will manage all of your life’s expenses once you’re settled into your new digs. After all, living in a new city can often mean you’ll be surrounded by considerably less social connections and feel sort of like a fish out of water. Planning for every conceivable expense means that you won’t have to worry too much about finances on the regular once you’re settled in. This valuable time can instead be focused on becoming acclimated to your new work responsibilities, your new town’s layout, and more.
Keep things organized now: Organization will prove to be key when relocating for a job. The relatively short timeframe afforded by corporate relocations means that you really have to get your ducks in a row just weeks or days before hitting the road –no easy task for someone who hasn’t properly organized and prioritized their move.
Settling in and Beyond:
Making new friends is key: While the easiest place to start is often your job, it certainly doesn’t hurt to go above and beyond when honing your networking acumen in your new locale. Odds are, you weren’t in a position where you considered putting forth the time (and effort) to make new friends a priority in your previous city, but getting started in a place where you know next to no one can be quite different. Cultivating your social life can be as important of a personal health factor as proper nutrition and exercise. It can even prove to be worth your time to look into a range of social networks and local communities when getting settled into a new place. Surprising avenues often include social media apps that base themselves around local attractions, meetups, and more. Foursquare, for example serves as a solid opportunity to get out and acclimate yourself to some new locales, and meeting new people will often come along with it. Also, for those looking for public meetups straight away, Meetup.com can serve as an ideal directory for getting things started with those in your new city who share common interests, have the same types of pets, and more. There’s no telling what your new city might offer.
Manage your post-move finances: Have you looked into all the possible ways to save money after your move? There are even a number of ways to save money on your move after it has completed. Tax deductions regarding the expenses of a job relocation, for example, tend to be offered in many cases, and can save you a great deal on moving expenses through your yearly tax returns. The key is simply to value your own money (and time) in assessing your moving related finances. Every little bit helps when getting started somewhere new.