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Corporate Mobility and Talent Recruitment Trends

Is your company’s relocation package competitive enough to attract today’s top talent? This research report features valuable, industry-specific data on trends in relocation offerings and their impact on hiring. Gain insight into talent acquisition challenges while exploring relocation offerings as a differentiator. Learn what relocation compensation methods and benefits are offered by companies in your industry . . . and to whom.

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Policy Review
Corporate Mobility Today: How Companies are Purchasing Moving and Relocation Services

Purchasing corporate relocation and moving services is not “one size fits all”. Based on research conducted by Seymour Insights, an independent third-party research firm, our whitepaper on How Companies are Purchasing Moving and Relocation Services provides valuable information on how relocation and moving purchase decisions are made based on information provided by nearly 600 Fortune 1000 mobility decision makers. Learn how HR pros and corporate mobility professionals view their future needs for relocation and their attitudes on selecting the right service providers to get the job done.

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2018 Tax Reform

Tax reforms enacted earlier this year by the current administration will have a significant impact on corporate mobility. This comprehensive guide offers relevant information on the effect these reforms will have on lump sum packages and global mobility programs, along with details on personal tax changes that could impact relocating employees. This guide is a must read for mobility professionals in creating relocation policies that are right for employees and the company’s bottom line.

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supplier diversity study
Supplier Diversity Study

In recent years, supplier diversity programs have become more commonplace in companies across industries and company sizes. In response to what we felt was a lack of research available on the topic, we set out to glean insights into how companies institute, manage, report, assess, and feel about their diverse supplier programs.

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2020 Relocation & Moving Satisfaction Study
2020 Relocation & Moving Satisfaction Study

A relocation and moving program benefit can help companies trying to recruit top talent to differentiate from competitors. But for Human Resource and Mobility professionals, determining the right kind of program for their company from the many options available can be tricky and complicated. Knowing how other companies, within and outside a specific industry, approach selecting a relocation and moving benefit program can provide valuable insight. In order to provide such data, we conducted a third party survey of HR and mobility decision makers to learn how they evaluate their existing program and their expectations for their program over the next year.

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Ultimate Guide to Moving and Relocation
Ultimate Guide to Relocation and Moving

Relocation programs are more than just a way to move talent from place to place. Such programs provide numerous benefits to your organization, such as simplifying internal operations and controlling costs, but are also influenced by changes outside your organization. Our Ultimate Guide to Relocation and Moving, developed from our most popular blogs, guides and whitepapers, offers a wealth of valuable content that will assist you in expertly managing your employee relocations and affiliated policies to help position your organization for success, no matter the number or kind of external influences.

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Study: Relocation and Delocation in the Post-COVID Era
Study: Relocation and Delocation in the Post-COVID Era

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way we work and live. Companies and employees, used to working in a professional office environment, had to quickly switch gears to remote working - and all the new challenges that came with it. As our country and the world slowly emerge from "stay at home" and "shelter in place", organizations are faced with new challenges: when to reopen offices and to what extent? what role will remote working play in the post-COVID work environment? if employees have moved to less populous and lower cost-of-living areas, will they be willing to move back to be closer to the office? and how to recruit top talent and get them to relocate to office locations when they have become accustomed to working remotely? What is "delocation" and how are companies leveraging this benefit to attract top talent? This proprietary research study explores all these questions as well as overall attitudes of employees towards moving, what is most important to them when considering a move, and what kind of relocation benefit is most popular and most likely to result in someone relocating for a new position.

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Supply Chain Strategies & Mobility Planning Study
Study: Supply Chain Strategies & Mobility Planning
How Companies Can Ensure Smooth Relocations for Employees in 2022

Over the past two years, specifically since the pandemic officially started, consumer demand patterns have shifted dramatically. While shelter in place and work from home orders in 2020 resulted in an unprecedented demand for homes and consumer goods like paper towels and home gadgets, resulting in empty store shelves throughout the country and around the world, demand for other services like those related to travel or relocation (think hotels and rental cars) essentially dried up. A year later, as the pandemic appeared to be easing, those same industries that experienced no demand a year earlier suddenly were looking at a surge in demand - something manufacturing and the related in some cases global supply chain had not foreseen. As a result, companies looking for many services related to relocating employees were left with no resources. Our study, conducted by Corporate Mobility Today, digs into the relocation landscape in 2021; specifically, what kind of companies were relocating employees, what supply chain challenges did they encounter (and how did they solve them), as well as what companies see for relocation in 2022 and how the industry looks going forward. This study is a must read for professionals interested in recruiting new talent.

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Corporate Social Responsibility Impact on Diversity Supplier Programs Study 2022
Study: Corporate Social Responsibility Impact on Diverse Supplier Programs 2022

Corporations were working diligently to make diversity and social responsibility a larger part of their day-to-day operations long before the Pandemic hit in 2020. The northAmerican research paper from 2019, “Supplier Diversity Study”, looked at how organizations of all sizes were approaching the use of diverse suppliers as a way to satisfy Tier 1 and Tier 2 spend requirements. Fast forward to 2022 and diversity and inclusion in the workplace has become one of the most important topics organizations are facing. northAmerican® revisted this subject in our most recent research to see if and how things had changed with respect to diversity and, specifically, organizations’ attitude towards working with diverse suppliers.

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Corporate Relocation & Employee Moving Status
The Current State of Corporate Relocation & Employee Moving

The pandemic has had long-lasting socio-economic effects on the corporate relocation and employee moving industry. With more employees working from home, transportation challenges and process disruptions, many organizations found it difficult to relocate employees for business reasons during the pandemic, with many curtailing the number of relocations they did during this period. As our world returns to some semblance of what we knew as "normal" or what will be considered normal going forward, northAmerican wanted to know what that would mean in terms of corporate relocation. This study of Human Resource, Operations and Procurement professionals delves into not only their predictions for the relocation industry, but also answers questions about relocation volume based demographic factors, offers insight into relocation goals, delves into what policies are being used and other information that mobility professionals will find useful in their ongoing planning.

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Tax Liabilities Related to Relocation Benefits

The 2018 Tax and Job Cuts Act had major implications for business and individuals. One area of business that was impacted the most was corporate relocation. Changes to the way both businesses that relocated employees, and employees that were moved for business reasons, were significant and changed the way such activities were accounted for. Years after the Act went into effect, corporations and employees are, in some cases, still finding it challenging to clearly understand - and in the case of companies, communicate - how these tax changes impact their relocating employees. This whitepaper provides a clear and straight forward explanation of the 2018 Tax Act, what legislation has occurred since then that affects relocation, and what all of it means to companies that relocate employees and to the individual transferee. It also offers direction on best practices for communicating tax laws to transferees.

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Corporate Relocation Research Study of the Energy Industry
2023 Research Findings

Changes to the employee relocation and moving industries have been significant since COVID-19. In our annual pulse research into industry trends within mobility in 2022, northAmerican found from survey respondents that industry-specific data would be more beneficial in assisting corporate executives involved in making corporate relocation decisions for their organizations make better informed and more strategic decisions. This whitepaper provides insight into relocation policy and moving attitudes, as well as relocation trends, of energy industry companies in 2023.

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Corporate Relocation Research Study of the Finance & Insurance Industries
2023 Research Findings

The past few years have brought significant changes to the employee relocation and moving industries. In our annual pulse research into industry trends within mobility in 2022, northAmerican found from survey respondents that industry-specific data would be more beneficial in assisting corporate executives involved in making corporate relocation decisions for their organizations make better informed and more strategic decisions. This whitepaper provides insight into relocation policy and moving attitudes, as well as relocation trends, of finance and insurance industry companies in 2023.

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Corporate Relocation Research Study of the Technology Industry
Fall 2023 Research Findings

The employee relocation and moving industries have changed significantly over the past few years. Respondents of our 2022 annual northAmerican® pulse research showed a clear preference for industry specific market-wide data that could be used to help corporate decision makers be more strategic with important policy decisions regarding their near and long-term employee relocation decisions. This research study offers insight into relocation policy and trends, as well as moving attitudes of employees within the technology industry as we approached 2024.

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Corporate Relocation Research Study of the Manufacturing Industry
Fall 2023 Research Findings

The employee relocation and moving industries have changed significantly over the past few years. In our 2022 annual northAmerican® pulse research, survey respondents showed a clear preference for industry specific market-wide data that could be used to help corporate decision makers be more strategic with important policy decisions regarding their near and long-term employee relocation decisions. This research study offers insight into relocation policy and trends, as well as moving attitudes of employees within the manufacturing industry as we approached 2024.

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2023 Corporate Relocation Research Study
Insight into Relocation Policies, Moving Attitudes & Trends for 2024

In the past few months, North American has explored the attitudes towards corporate relocation and moving of mobility professionals in the energy, finance and insurance, technology, and manufacturing industries. This report offers a look at corporate relocation from the perspective of an even broader array of industries. It's goal is to provide corporate relocation professionals with data that can be used strategically when making decisions about employee relocation programs now and throughout 2024.

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2024 Research - Mobility and Mindsets 
How Trends and Attitudes Shape Employee Relocation Choices

As the way people work evolves, North American wanted to know its impact on Employee Relocation and Mobility. This 2024 research study of over 400 employees at all levels who relocated for work over the past 2 years delves into not only why employees move for work and what they get from doing so but also what kind of benefit packages companies are using and the level of benefit they provide.

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